Storyteller Extraordinaire

Financial News and Daily Record
"Eclectic Lineup for May Art Walk"
Jacksonville, FL
April 30, 2012
Broadcast Date: May 19th, 2015. Sue’s first published book, THE UNWILLING SPY has gentle Garcia, a virtuoso pianist, thrust into the dark world of espionage and becomes an ‘unwilling spy’. She writes with such color and intrigue that it is difficult to put the book down! You feel you are a participant in each scene as her words are vivid and alive. But don’t be taken in by her southern belle facade – Sue is dangerous. She is only 6 degrees from a life filled with unimaginable adventures – journeys that will have readers and listeners swept into a world of breath-taking intrigue. Sue tells us how she gets her ideas for her books and how much her own intuition plays a role in her writing. She covers the power of imagination, the construction of her deep desires in the love scenes, patriotism, how she does her research and also provides valuable advice for anyone considering self-publishing. She expands on the whole are of marketing, sales and self-promotion and the joy of autographing her own books. Be prepared for a delightful personality, a devious mind and an inspiration to get you writing on the book that is in YOU! ...Aingeal Rose
Interview with Teresa Kennedy
of Village Green Press
May 30, 2016
"How did you come to write THE UNWILLING SPY?”
Instead of counting sheep when I go to bed each night, I make up book titles. One night I thought of the title THE UNWILLING SPY. From the title alone, I created a story – 84,000 words later I published my first novel. Perhaps it is unorthodox; but, for me, an intriguing title develops into a story, then a story into a published novel. I’ve almost completed my second novel, “Madame Delafloté, Impeccable Spy.” Again, the novel began with the title.